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FAQ - Car Trouble in Myrtle Beach

By Megan Burke

So, you’ve made it all the way to Myrtle Beach! The bountiful sun and pristine sandy shores are waiting for you, all you have to do is unpack and hit the coast. Sometimes, however, unexpected things happen. What could be worse than car trouble while you are on vacation? If this happens to you, fret not – VMB is here to help.

AAA – If you have AAA or a similar service, give them a call to see if they can be of assistance. Small issues, like a flat tire or an empty gas tank, can easily be addressed. And, if your problem is larger than that, AAA can point you in the right direction with their wide connection of national car repair shops.

Local Repair Shops – If you are not affiliated with a service like AAA, rest assured that there are plenty of well reputed repair shops in the area. Whether you have a dead battery, you need breaks, or you end up with a blown transmission, your VMB property front desk staff can assist you in finding the right shop to contacting the business to set up an appointment. Be sure to check out the VMB Card page then click on “services” to view what discounts you can get at four local Tire Town locations.

Towing – Can’t make it to the shop? Just call one of the local towing companies. Myrtle Beach area towing companies are abundant and your front desk attendant can assist you in locating a company near your resort.

Though having car problems while on vacation is never ideal, there are a few things that can be done in advance to prevent this from happening or to be prepared for when it does. Before departure, have your car checked for any necessary repairs; tire rotation, a tune up, and an oil change will work wonders and can catch any potential issues up front. Additionally, having a road kit in your vehicle can put your mind at ease for long travels. Common kit components include an automatic tire pump, flashlight, flat tire repair kit, jumper cables, chains, fire extinguisher, duct tape, extra car fluids with a funnel, and a knife – to name a few items. Preparation is key to mitigating the effects of any unexpected car trouble.

Be sure to check our Full FAQ page to find the answer to any other pressing vacation prep questions you might have.

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