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Top 3 Beach Trip Items You Might Not Think of Packing, But Should

By Julia Diem

We know that sometimes packing for your beach trip can be overwhelming. We’ve compiled a list of the top 3 things to bring with you to the beach that you might not have considered before. Make sure you write these down on your beach trip list so you don’t forget them when you come to Myrtle Beach!


1. Plastic Bags

Head to the store and buy some Ziploc bags before you leave for your Myrtle Beach trip. These come in handy at the beach, because they provide protection from the water and the sand! Buy smaller ones for little things like snacks, medium-sized ones for items such as your cell phone and wallet and large ones for wet bathing suits and other large items. Plastic bags are like having extra insurance on your stuff and will help your vacation be a little more worry-free.


2. Towels and extra towels

So you’ve packed your favorite beach towel that showcases dolphins frolicking in the water. And you’ve packed the Finding Nemo and Cinderella ones for your kids. But did you consider grabbing extras for your Myrtle Beach trip? Extra towels are great to have because your towels will inevitably get wet after swimming or they will get covered in sand. If you don’t have access to a washer or dryer or just don’t feel like doing laundry while on vacation, the extra towels will come in handy! Plus, if you spend the day at Myrtle Waves or Wild, Water and Wheels and your family jumps into the car to go back to the resort, you’ll want some dry towels to sit on. It’s better to be prepared!


3. Waterproof Camera

We all know that the ocean and cameras don’t mix, but you don’t want to miss your best shots during your beach trip just because you are worried your camera will get ruined! There are two easy solutions to this problem. One option is buying a waterproof disposable camera. And yes, they do still sell disposable cameras at the store and often you can get the pictures put right onto a CD after they are developed so they are just as easy to share as pictures from a digital camera. The second option, which is pricier, is to either buy a waterproof digital camera or purchase a watertight shell for your current camera or cell phone. The only problem with this option is you have to be careful not to lose your investment in the ocean!


What is one item you can't go to the beach without? Tell us in the comments! Check out our Packing List blog for a list of suggested items we recommend you pack and there is even a printable list you can check off as you go!

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