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FAQ: How Far is Myrtle Beach From Charleston? Or Wilmington?

By Megan Burke

Myrtle Beach central locationWhile there is more than enough to do in Myrtle Beach to keep a visitor busy for weeks at a time it is also in a prime location for an easy day trip to Charleston, S.C., or Wilmington, N.C.

From downtown Myrtle Beach to Charleston it is just a little under 100 miles and will take about 2 hours, depending on traffic and the route taken. Once there you can enjoy the beautiful historic downtown atmosphere with tons of shops and restaurants along with views of the ocean from the Charleston Battery. There are also many beautiful historic homes in that same area, as well as a small park. There are also regular festivals and events going on around downtown that make for a great reason to take a day trip.

From downtown Myrtle Beach to Wilmington it is about 75 miles and will take around an hour and a half, depending on traffic and the route taken. Wilmington has a quiant riverfront downtown with lots of shops and restaurants to enjoy, as well as some historic landmarks like the U.S.S. North Carolina,a battleship that you can tour and explore. The downtown Wilmington area is a great place to spend a day strolling, window-shop[ing and eating at some great restaurants before heading back to Myrtle Beach for the evening.

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